
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Goa Gil’s Birthday Party October 5th, 2019 Shiva's Sound Stream

We are excited to announce Goa Gil's Birthday Party coming up at the end of the Summer, October 5th.

We will be dancing at a great location, with lots of camping, and excellent facilities. Mums the word on the location, but expect to travel 140 miles East of San Francisco.
You will get the exact location the week of the party, either by email if you have a presale, or by the info line.

  If you have an Oomplop, the directions will be emailed to you on Friday.  If you purchase an early arrival, directions will be emailed to you from Eventbrite on Thursday before the party.
Please don't post the location online.
We will publish an info line number here on the blog on Friday, which you can share on line or with any of your friends, which will give detailed instructions on how to get to the Location.

Oomplops that you can get presale, are now done. There are plenty of tickets at the gate!.

 we invite you to read the rest of the information.

Gates open Saturday, October 5th at 2pm... Early arrival pass holders can arrive friday, before 9pm.
What’s an Oomplop?

*an oomplop is the golden ticket that you need to get into the best party in the universe!  third best in the multiverse... its just there are two other ones in other universes, that Goa Gil plays at, that are a little bit better, but really, its due to different gravity settings.  (both physical and emotional)

did you know the dress theme is come dressed as your favorite diety, or historical figure!!!!

The Name of the party is ..Shiva's Sound Stream!!!!

Applications for scholarship oomplops are now closed... Check back next year for more scholarships... this year we had 50 passes, and they were all claimed!

There is plenty of parking... Yet parking is only free if you carpool!
No personal fires!!!!

I hope that if you are reading this, that you know that the happiness and healthiness you bring to the party, should not be taken for granted.
Each day, as each party, is a true gift.  And we are grateful to continue to share this awesomeness with all of you.

Please note, oomplops are available at the gate!!!!  presales are now closed... get yours at the gate!